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Story Spotlight #82 - Non nobis Domine · 3:54pm June 25th

Story Spotlight #82 - Non nobis Domine
by: Dsarker

TNon nobis Domine
In the year of Our Lord Thirteen and twelve, five Templars broke through a French roadblock, and disappeared. This is their tale.
Dsarker · 92k words  ·  162  15 · 3.9k views

Bookshelf: Good

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Thanks so much for adding both Spikes True Secret & After the Secret to you library :pinkiehappy: I hop0e you enjoyd them :twilightsmile:

I hope your enjoying my story. It'll continue soon. I have other stories to work on, so the next chapter will be out soon.

Thank you for adding Galaxy Rangers: The Movie - Shocker Crisis!. It's an honor. :twilightblush: Feel free to check out my other Lunaverse stories.

Thanks for adding my story to your Library. I’m glad that you enjoy my story The Royal Three: Season Two.

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