• Member Since 30th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 25th, 2023

Star Scraper

Physics Student, High-Powered Rocket Engineer, Latter-Day Saint, Writer, Vector Artist, and loves adorkable bookworm pony.


Little Character Thing · 7:58pm Mar 25th, 2019

So I've missed 4 weeks. Wohoo. Or more like "boohoo", but that's more how I feel about missing 4 weeks than anything.

But it's finally time this old thing becomes relevant. Made this a long time ago. Spoilers btw, if you're not caught up with Tapestry: A World Apart.

It's a bit more lighthearted than the usual fare. While I was plotting things out I made little icons of the characters and thought they looked kind of silly, and this sprang to mind.

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Report Star Scraper · 415 views · Story: Tapestry: A World Apart ·
Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12

Yeah. I know him in person. We're friends. I helped design a megastructure for one of his stories, and he and his editing crew are reading Tapestry and giving it feedback. Why?

Do you have any connection to Starscribe?

2380498 Not replying to my comments enough, apparently. Also trying to overcome a bad habit of staying up late and not being productive with my rare summer days where I can actually pursue my hobbies like writing :facehoof:

Hey hey, Star. How you been?

467529 Lol, that moment when I was going to use the excuse; "oh, these last weeks have been crazy with the nearly dying thing," then I realize that this message is referring to my birthday over a year ago :twilightblush: I really need to be more active, here!

And you're welcome to your other two comments. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 8 - 12 of 12
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