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- Two years after such a disastrous attempt at a story, a fan attempts to recreate it, but better.Terabyte West · 1.1k words · 378 views
- After Phoenix's first case, he finds a little filly in his bedroom. Things only get crazier.Terabyte West · 15k words · 46 1 · 2.7k views
- Nightmare moon returns, and Rainbow needs to save her friends after waking up from a 2-year long coma. Good thing she isn't just going in unprepared!Terabyte West · 4.8k words · 8 11 · 438 views
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I took a bit of your advice and used it to reinvent my old OC. Feast your eyes on this marvel.
Oh yeah, I'm considering making some more OCs to go alond with him.
Hey I don't think we should waste our time anymore with Chiper8000, we both tried to talk sense into him but he appears to be too naive and stuck in his own little world to listen to us fully.
Thanks for favoriting Kaleidoscope!
I'm glad you enjoyed my story Reformation Buddies.
Hey, thanks for the follow man! It really means a lot to me and I hope to not disappoint you with future stories.