• Member Since 27th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I am a man from Massachusetts who graduated on June 9, 2011. I have been a brony since 2014 and I hope you enjoy my stories.

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Status Update · 10:22pm Nov 25th, 2019

Hello everyone, I am here with a status update. I was unhappy with how the ending of "Time Heals All Wounds" was coming so I put it on hiatus. I've decided to wait and return when Generation 4.5 comes out. I hope you stick with me until then. Thanks.

Report Brony4Ever1992 · 211 views ·
Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

2782190 No problem, it was a damn good story

Thank you so much for adding Through the Eyes of Anon-a-Miss to your favorites! :twilightsmile:

2728559 Oh. Thank you. I'm glad you liked it.

2728551 No problem. You're a good author.

2728543 It was a really well done and emotional story

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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How I Became a Brony · 6:48pm Apr 1st, 2017

Here is the story of how I became a Brony...

It begins over a decade ago when I became an anime fan after watching Neon Genesis Evangelion. For a good decade I was a huge anime fan.

In 2011, I met someone who was anime fan though she later became a brony herself. It was Season 1 and she was the first one who introduced me to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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