The Pain of the PastIt's terrifying how the mind can dig up your darkest moments while you sleep defenselessly. After all, your past is never forgotten. You just think about it milesprower06
5,267 words
· 55 · 2
From Darkness To LightWhen an insidious evil threatens the Crystal Empire, the Princesses must call upon the most unlikely pony; Sombra. Can he overcome his own darkness in order to save the empire from a far worse one?by Pixel_Spark
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· 261 · 11
"Daleks Have No Concept of Friendship!"A dalek appears in Equestria - not just any dalek, but the one that had been corrupted by Rose Tyler's DNA. It has a choice of life as a pony, or dying, and finds that it cannot bear to die a second time. Thus begins a strange RainbowDoubleDash
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Sombra Stories
Luna's FoalPrincess Luna is having her foal. The best medical staff are at hoof to ensure a safe delivery that can be celebrated across Equestria, but there is one more surprise Bronyxy
1,482 words
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Pink Alicorn BluesPrincess Cadence was purged of the corruption that once held King Sombra in its grip, but she's not better. What happens when the only pony that can help you deal with the aftermath is your worst enemy? STORY COMPLETEby Hail King Sombra
18,952 words
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The Eyes of NightmareTwilight thought Sombra's eyes were terrifying; the striking glow and the ominous smoke unsettled her. But only after learning the secret behind those eyes, does Twilight realize what it truly means to fear DunDunWub
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Sombra Stories I love
Umbrum ad InfinitumWhen Tirek's brother Scorpan resurrects Sombra to use him against all of Equestria, Twilight and Co must not only retrieve Sombra from his clutches, but find a way to heal the damage that's been done to the former King. Can they save him in time?by Pixel_Spark
226,865 words
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From Darkness To LightWhen an insidious evil threatens the Crystal Empire, the Princesses must call upon the most unlikely pony; Sombra. Can he overcome his own darkness in order to save the empire from a far worse one?by Pixel_Spark
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The Tale of One ShadowSombra was a much more complicated pony than history lent him credit. The Crystal Heart having freed him from the clutches of his own creation, Sombra now tries to find his place in the world. But can he escape the shadow of the past?by RadBunny
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