• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Pony fan inspired by great writers such as Pen Stroke and Conner Cogwork



This story is a sequel to Luna's Bump

Princess Luna is having her foal.

The best medical staff are at hoof to ensure a safe delivery that can be celebrated across Equestria, but there is one more surprise left.

This story can be continued further to Luna's Tryst.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )
Comment posted by Illuminutter deleted Jun 18th, 2018

What a twist :twistnerd:
A fine little snippet; have a like :twilightsmile:

Dude, not cool. You're robbing everyone who chooses to scroll down to check the comments of the chance to get surprised. At least put your post in a spoiler.


Spoiler that! Don't be that guy that spoils a major plot point.

Also damn now I so want to know more of what is happening in this universe!

Here's a question. Why would you check the comments BEFORE you've read the story? Looking for drama, hmm?

I hope it’s a colt.

I would love a story following this foal growing up. Plus I love the idea that Sombra and Luna were a thing before he turned evil.

Comment posted by sociopath on the moon deleted Jun 17th, 2018

so................ :applejackconfused: what will happen now???

I knew it would be Sombra!

Sombra eh. I was expecting Discord.

Why would you read comments prior to reading the story? You are practically asking to get spoiled. If it is such a problem I've deleted the comment.

I cant wait to see more. Sombra has been my Fav bad pony. Love stories of him being the good pony.

What a pleasant surprise!

Except, how was it that Sombra managed to sire a foal born within present day Equestria? That part doesn't make any sense.

Edit: I'm also not sure why it is this has an AU tag and the prequel doesn't.

Fair points.

The original Luna’s Bump was intended to be a personal introspection as Luna headed towards foaling and at that time no stallion was named. As this is potentially possible I felt that it did not require an AU tag.

When it was suggested that I continue it on into Luna’s Foal, I became keen to explore the Luna x Sombra dynamic, but for this to happen I had to make a few assumptions that began to stretch the canon universe, not least how they could have met.

Whilst it could possibly be set in the future, I wanted to be able to draw on known locations and characters, so I made an assumption that Sombra had reformed (or at least given the impression of having reformed), and that drove the AU tag. I hope my reasoning makes a bit more sense now!

I am looking forward to exploring this AU further, so please come back and see how it turns out.

Thanks for your support!


Whilst it could possibly be set in the future, I wanted to be able to draw on known locations and characters, so I made an assumption thatSombrahad reformed (or at least given the impression of having reformed), and that drove the AU tag. I hope my reasoning makes a bit more sense now!

Now this is the shit! If you go ahead with continuations of this, I'll be sure to check it out.

Indeed !
I wonder where this is going to end ...

This was brillant!Thumbs up👍👍👍👍👍👍👍🔝👌👍👍👍:pinkiehappy:

Thank you!
I'm so pleased you're enjoying this series of Luna short stories!

You're welcome!You are a much better writer than me,I can tell.:pinkiehappy:

Thank you for your praise, but don't be so quick to run yourself down. I'm sure you can pull together a decent story and hope you will give it a try. Remember, there will always be someone worse and someone better, but the one thing we have in common is that we all give it a go!
My writing idols are Pen Stroke and Conner Cogwork, and I know I'll never reach their high standards, but I keep plugging away!

Thank you !Those words were very wise.Thank you for giving me some courage,and I'm actually planning publishing my first chapter of my story(well,that is if I think it's good enough).

Have faith in yourself. It's always a bit daunting when you upload your first story, but we've all been there.
Good luck!

King Sombra!!! Really?!!! He was the last pony I would think of to be the father. Great twist!!

Thank you - I'm so pleased you liked the storyline. He can be pretty persuasive ...

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