• Member Since 24th Jun, 2017
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Pony fan inspired by great writers such as Pen Stroke and Conner Cogwork


Pony and Wolf productions read Luna Gets Wound Up · 10:22pm 3 hours ago

Hello everypony!

I have only just found out that the amazing Pony and Wolf productions have done a dramatic reading of Luna Gets Wound Up and it's absolutely brilliant!

They have done a lot of great readings and I feel very honored that they have chosen one of my stories to add to their collection.

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The wonderful Agent Fluffy reads Luna's Bump · 12:20am Aug 16th, 2023

Hello everypony!

Only just found out that the amazing Agent Fluffy has done a dramatic reading of Luna's Bump and it's absolutely brilliant!

She is one of the most talented voice actresses in the fandom and I am so delighted she chose to do a reading of this story.

If you don't know her work, go check her out now - you'll be in for a treat!

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Forest Encounter · 2:13pm Feb 9th, 2023

Hello everypony,

Sorry to have been away for so long; life has been presenting me with a few challenges over the last few years and I have had to take time away from writing to sort out a lot of other issues.

Anyway, I am pleased to be publishing a new oneshot today, featuring my most favourite pony, Princess Luna. I hope you like it.

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Tuesday afternoon cake friends · 3:43pm Jan 10th, 2023

A big thank you to everypony in the group for sharing the finer things in life!

You all make life a little sweeter ...

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Happy tenth anniversary! · 4:25pm Oct 10th, 2020

Hello everypony,

Ten years ago today, Friendship is Magic Part 1 was first aired and went on to give us 221 wonderful episodes, as well as a fantastic fandom with some of the nicest people you could ever hope to meet.

Now that, my friends, is cause for celebration!


Report Bronyxy · 257 views · #FIMtentoday

Season 9 finale · 8:28pm Oct 12th, 2019

How can something so beautiful be so sad?

No spoilers, because many of you won't have had a chance to see it yet, but when you do, get ready for an emotional roller coaster.

I found myself both crying and applauding as it unfolded - it really is quite something and is a fitting ending to the phenomenon that will forever be Gen 4.

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Nyx Takes Charge · 12:49pm May 21st, 2019

Hello Everypony,

I am a big fan of the iconic Past Sins by Pen Stroke, especially the adorable Nyx, and as most of you know, I incorporated her name into my writing name; Brony + Nyx = Bronyxy.

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Report Bronyxy · 364 views · #nyxtakescharge

Happy Hearth's Warming 2018 · 7:42pm Dec 19th, 2018

Hello everypony,

Firstly, a big thank you to all of you who have followed me and supported my writing over this year. I love writing pony stories and it’s always so nice to know from your comments and your likes that you have enjoyed reading them too, so thank you all.

As we approach the end of another year, I have written a story to celebrate the season entitled A Hearth's Warming to Remember.

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Scootaloo's Return · 8:48pm Nov 5th, 2018

Hello Everypony,

There’s a lot of good stories on FIMFiction at the moment and my favorite among the new writers has to be Rainbowfan45. She’s written consistently good stories and posted more than thirty in a little over two months!

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Like Sister, Like Student · 11:40am Sep 22nd, 2018

It was back in April that I wrote Nyx Returns, but I have found myself drawn back to the lovely little filly once again, probably influenced by the news that book copies of Past Sins are available, please see Pen Stroke's latest blog for details.

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