• Member Since 6th Aug, 2017
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I like reading stories more than writing them, but I thought I'd give writing a shot anyway.

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I just posted my first round of reviews with Seattle's Angels · 4:36am Jan 12th, 2020

Last month I got a notification that my application to the Seattle's Angels group was accepted. This is the group's first post of the new year, and I knew I couldn't miss it. So, click the link and look for some underrated gems that may have flown under your radar.

Seattle's Angels: Round 164

Report FanficReader920 · 273 views ·
Comments ( 161 )
  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161

Yo, dude. Good to see you again!

Thank you so much for the favourite :)

Thank you for liking my story ^^

I know you've been interested in A Cozy Tale so I'd like to inform you I just took it off hiatus and uploaded a new chapter:

TA Cozy Tale
Ever wondered what Cozy Glow's parents are like and what happened to them? Ever wondered why Cozy Glow became the power-hungry filly she is now? Now is another possible answer to those questions.
Leondude · 27k words  ·  58  3 · 1.6k views

Oh, and stay tuned for more chapters these next couple of weeks. :twilightsmile:

Thank you! I know how much commitment it must take to keep watch over this thing for years and years.

On November 1st, though, I'll be serving a full-time mission, which means no visiting the site. I won't be able to see the comments after that date. But you can still see it. You can still read whatever you want. I won't mind, because I won't know.

  • Viewing 157 - 161 of 161
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