• Member Since 23rd May, 2021
  • offline last seen February 6th


Hugh Janus, son of Anass Rhammar

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  • 187 weeks
    I made a new story

    Read or die tomr

    1 comments · 835 views
  • 194 weeks
    New Chapter Soon

    A new chapter has been written! I'm releasing it in a few hours when there are more users online. If anyone can tell me the best time to update, that would be greatly appreciated.

    2 comments · 391 views

I made a new story · 12:52pm Jul 19th, 2021

Read or die tomr

Comments ( 23 )
  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23

When and how will Twilight and her friends learn of the real truth that the real reason they won the first time against the humans was never through the power of friendship, but through fowl play(discord detonating a world ender) and realize that the humans' enslavement was unjust because Celestia enslaved them to prevent the economy from crashing. And everything they were taught about humans was propaganda.

and what happens in the end. what would be the state of Equestria and the other nations. and How will the mane six react to the real story.

would be very entertaining for Twilight to launch the nuke when she discovered the truth and the real reason why humanity's enslaved

and what would be the epilogue? And What would twilight do when she learns the real truth.

What about twilight realizing that Vega was responsible and Discord saved them. Not to mention the real purpose of the slaves for the sake of the economy.

  • Viewing 19 - 23 of 23
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