• Member Since 16th Aug, 2018
  • offline last seen Aug 18th, 2019

the real sound wave

Blog Posts

  • 296 weeks

    Hi guys sorry for the long time of me not being on cus of school and stuff but just wanted to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and love to all

    0 comments · 220 views
  • 305 weeks
    i did it

    yeah i made my first song. it may be good it may not but tell me what you think of it.

    (ps) if you cant see the vid try watching it on your phone that is what works for me. love to all, and subscribe.

    0 comments · 248 views
  • 307 weeks

    sup my fellow scratches. so me and a friend are have a battle and you get to choose the winier. to know more just clink the link https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/826250/the-epic-fight-of-the-century

    and with that LET THE GAMES BEGIN:rainbowdetermined2:

    oh and here is the link to the group.https://www.fimfiction.net/group/213899/sound-wave-and-bradybunchs-music-game

    0 comments · 252 views
  • 307 weeks
    Two can play at this game.

    So hi, there is this one person name i will not say (BradyBunch) who has been posting a lot of music on there page. When i first looked at there page I said "ok they like music" But then it got bad, it got to the point that they were made of music, so I said to my self "how come they get all the fun"

    So let the games begin, and long live PON3

    0 comments · 248 views
  • 308 weeks

    hello my fellow DJ ponies and warrior cat lovers :scootangel:

    i am working on a fic and i need a cover for it. its a daring do fic and i will be making many of them. if you would like to make cover art for the fic, PM me so we can talk. i will be on Monday to Saturday and sometimes on Sunday. thank you and "scratch on":rainbowdetermined2:

    0 comments · 250 views


Hi guys sorry for the long time of me not being on cus of school and stuff but just wanted to wish you all a happy thanksgiving and love to all

Report the real sound wave · 220 views ·
Comments ( 53 )
  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53

Would you like to check out this story I made?

EA King’s Grand Entrance
We all know what’s been going on with the Main 6 and Tempest while they were away from Equestria. But, the biggest questions would be: What happened while they were gone? What could the Storm King have done while he took up residence in Equestria?
A Man Undercover · 4.6k words  ·  75  28 · 2.7k views

This is just something I’d really like for you to check out:

The Greatest Showman Soundtrack

i had a youtube chan before you ;)

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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