• Member Since 10th Jun, 2022
  • offline last seen May 5th


pegasister and new writer. Would like to be a tree

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  • 101 weeks
    I’m back

    sorry for not being online/ posting anything for so long! If I’m honest A Royal Mess is fun to write but also I’m trying to take care with the quality and editing a lot of the storyline. I do have a new murder crime fic I’m writing alongside it (a change from my usual stuff) and a Flutterpie fic in the planning stages too. Oh, and a piece starring Princess Luna. I don’t know when any of this will be published, but I’m still here and part of the fandom :)

    3 comments · 155 views
  • 108 weeks
    Thank you all so much

    I can’t believe In Your Dreams got featured today :yay:

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    2 comments · 213 views

hello :3

Didn’t properly introduce myself on here yet so here we go!

I discovered FimFic about 2-3 months ago, a bit after I started re-watching MLP after not keeping up with the show for 5 years. I’d never really read or written much fanfic at all, and I guess it’s now another form of escapism for me/ a way to fill the void :’)

I love animals and I’d like to be a vet someday, and also plants (I garden a bit), and I like baking. I mainly write and record songs and some poetry, but I do write the occasional story (and now, I suppose, fanfics!). My writing outside of this website is pretty sad and heavy, so here I guess I’ll write mostly lighter stuff.

My favourite characters are Discord, Fluttershy, Twilight and the Princesses and Applejack. Though I love the Mane Six and their dynamics in general.

I love to read and write romance, slice-of-life and also comedy (though I’ll admit I could still improve with writing that). For shipping I’m partial to Twilestia (I read some really good fanfics and it grew on me :fluttershysad:), Fluttercord (again, I may or may not be obsessed with mortal/ immortal pairings) Rarijack and Flutterpie. I don’t have super strong shipping preferences, it really depends on the fanfic for me :yay:

Oh, and I love slow-burn stories. Maybe I’ll write one someday :pinkiesmile:


I’m back · 4:25pm Aug 17th, 2022

sorry for not being online/ posting anything for so long! If I’m honest A Royal Mess is fun to write but also I’m trying to take care with the quality and editing a lot of the storyline. I do have a new murder crime fic I’m writing alongside it (a change from my usual stuff) and a Flutterpie fic in the planning stages too. Oh, and a piece starring Princess Luna. I don’t know when any of this will be published, but I’m still here and part of the fandom :)

Report fluttermoontree · 155 views ·
Comments ( 48 )
  • Viewing 44 - 48 of 48

I’m alright. Been really busy with school so not much time to write/ browse :(

but it’s nice to be back when I can :)))

And how are you

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