• Member Since 10th Oct, 2017
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Trip to Totality · 10:17pm April 8th

I went with some friends down to Russellville Arkansas on Saturday, stayed at a lovely Air

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Comments ( 72 )
  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72

Considering that it was written for a speed write competition 10/10 would make for an excellent long form story. History/science/world building are a sort of bread-and-butter for me.

Thanks for the like on "The Origin of a Species" - I think it's one of the best I've written. :raritywink: Have a great weekend!

Any story where I want to find a way to break through the medium of my screen to choke or hug a character (Guess who's who:trollestia:) is a good story in my book.

Rego #69 · May 23rd · · ·

And now thanks for adding Walk-ins Welcome to your shelf and leaving comments on the story. Glad you enjoyed your time with it.

Well if you do spot any, feel free to shoot me a PM. I'm always wanting to make it a better read for those that come later. Now off to hunt an errant Y.

Edit: And now thanks for adding Only in My Memories to your Holiday favorites! Just going on a tear through my stuff.

  • Viewing 68 - 72 of 72
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