The Quicksilver Chronicles is a series of stories that follow the adventures of Quicksilver, a unicorn alchemist, and his wife Misty, a pegasus botanist. They are generally action/adventure stories spiced up with a dash of slice-of-life or a pinch of romance.
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The Quicksilver Chronicles
The Quicksilver Chronicles is a series of stories that follow the adventures of Quicksilver, a unicorn alchemist, and his wife Misty, a pegasus botanist. They are generally action/adventure stories spiced up with a dash of slice-of-life or a pinch of romance.
Dark Steel
In the story One of Us, Quicksilver and Misty hired a private investigator by the name of Dark Steel to help them. That led to the the experimental story Dark Steel to explore the events from his perspective. I was encourage to write more with him which led to the spin-off series (with more stories on the way).
Stand Alone Stories
These are stories that are not part of either The Quicksilver Chronicles or the Dark Steel spin-off series. They are entries into various contests.
The next three stories are a short series.
The Quicksilver Chronicles Timeline
This shows the chronological reading order for the Quicksilver Chronicles (which varies some from the published order). Many of the stories follow specific episodes in the series. The numbered episodes are the various Hearths Warming Eve episodes and mark the passage of years.
The First Adventure
S01E01 - Friendship Is Magic
High Water Mark
1 - S02E11
02E25 - A Canterlot Wedding
One of Us
Dark Steel
S05E01 - The Cutie Map (Our Town)
A Mare in the Wilderness
2 - S05E20
The Alchemist
S05E25 - The Cutie Re-Mark
A Divergent Path
The Last Day
3 - S06E08
S06E25 - To Where and Back Again
My True Self
4 - S08E15
S08E23 - Sounds of Silence
Roots From the Past
5 - S08/09
Artwork by RavenSunArt
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Thank you for your interest in my story, To Lose & To Heal!
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