• Member Since 31st Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen April 10th


Hi guys im mariomario4156 or Jud And i make story's on this website I hope you read some of them thanks and bye :D

Blog Posts

  • 150 weeks
    So It's been a while :/

    Hi, guys so I am still here I have just been working on other projects. I am running an ask pony blog called Ask the screwed up ponies and I also have taking a break from the mlp parody show I was making I just got stressed out about it so I am taking a break on it. I am also right now making an animatic to the song Time Machine by Miracle Musical. (A fun fact the guy who makes the music for Miracle Musical was in a band called Tally

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    0 comments · 143 views
  • 191 weeks
    Hi guys I am still making my show

    Hi guys I am still making my show it might take longer than i thought I don't know when it will come out. But just to let you guys know i am still working on it. And i am also working on my Rushmare porady fan fic that should come out soon. Also i made a new video so please check that out on my youtube channel. So yeah I am still working on my show and my fan fic I hope everyone's day is going well and ill see you all later. :D

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    3 comments · 214 views
  • 197 weeks
    I'm making a pony parody show

    So you might have been wondering where I've been for the last couple of months well I was here I was just writing a really flipping cool pony parody show! That's right I’m making a pony parody show now I am not going to tell you everything about it ill just tell you. #1 It takes place after my fan fiction The rainbow paradox and #2 The first episode has zombies in it and it's a dark comedy show. That's all I will tell you but when the show does come out with its first episode witch is soon ill

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    2 comments · 261 views
  • 203 weeks
    2 New chapters are coming to Rainbow paradox

    Hi guys I have typed 2 new chapters to rainbow paradox I just have to edit them and then they will come out. Also, I might change the cover of a rainbow paradox. And I cant wait for you guys to read it! Ok, thanks for reading see you guys later. :D

    0 comments · 202 views

So It's been a while :/ · 12:03am Sep 10th, 2021

Hi, guys so I am still here I have just been working on other projects. I am running an ask pony blog called Ask the screwed up ponies and I also have taking a break from the mlp parody show I was making I just got stressed out about it so I am taking a break on it. I am also right now making an animatic to the song Time Machine by Miracle Musical. (A fun fact the guy who makes the music for Miracle Musical was in a band called Tally

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Report mariomario4156 · 143 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
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Thanks for following me! Mind if I ask what caught your interest?

No problem mate. Also, I really like your story The Light in the Darkness its one of my new favorite stories. It is such a great story!! So you deserve the follow! Hope you have an excellent day today! Ok well, talk to you later bye. :D

Thank you for the watch! :twilightsmile:


No problem Dark Soul 85 :D

Thank you for the follow

Alright cool cant wait i know what I'm going to vote for in the next poll lol

I'll put that in the next poll after The Land Before Time, lol

There are more if you look further. I did Coraline, Finding Nemo and A Bug's Life.

Thanks, TheKMExperience I really like The space jam one a lot of cool facts about the movie I loved it hey if I can suggest one can you do one on my favorite movie of all time toy story. Thanks again for telling me about the Animation Lookback forum I really like it. :D

I do make some posts in the forums called Animation Lookback if you're interested in reading that

Comment posted by mariomario4156 deleted Aug 31st, 2020

Thank you TheKMExperience yeah I'm excited about the Positive Ponies group. Oh, and by the way, TheKMExperience can you maybe check out my fanfiction if its cool with you. Anyways thanks for inviting me and hopefully we can talk more in the future ok have a nice day and bye. :D

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