• Member Since 5th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2014


The guy with too much time, and not enough drive to write.


It's back up · 8:58am Jul 5th, 2014

And I just posted the next part of the green text, so yay!

Report LightMask · 833 views ·
Comments ( 34 )
  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34

So are you still writing here, or have you hung up your hat?


Heya I know why this account was banned also this is the real LightMask btw

The account was banned because it's an alt of another account that was given a week long ban, the main account is Jimmy the Grape. The main account hasn't been used for a while now so....

No. Just that his/her name is struck-through (LightMask)
We'll see eventually...

2129135 do you know what he was banned for?

Banned. How long until you can return?

  • Viewing 30 - 34 of 34
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