Conditions have arisen · 12:18pm Nov 4th, 2015
The second part of The Night of the Living might take a bit due to reasons.
Have fun guessing the murderers identity in the meantime, or doing anything else really.
Change is just a different word for progress, whether it's good or bad is up to you.
The second part of The Night of the Living might take a bit due to reasons.
Have fun guessing the murderers identity in the meantime, or doing anything else really.
The place I read stuff at: The Naive Narrator
The users/stories that I help/ed edit, if only a teeny bit. Go check 'em out.
Lapis Lazuli and Inky J - Cloudsdale Dash and the Revenge of Dr Negative
- The Placement Agency
Violet Blaze - Solace
Bah you fool, don't thank every little favorite that comes your way. Still though, no worries.
Thank you for the favorite on Angel of Gold! I hope you enjoy the adventure.
Boop No worries
Thanks for the fav!
Written well, interesting premise, lulz.