• Member Since 31st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Sun Dial

I liked Shimmer before Rainbow Rocks. Ponies + Card Games = Unlimited Love for Enterplay.


A brief tale of Awesomeness · 8:10pm Nov 10th, 2014

Hey Everypony,

Unfortantely my weekly Letter to the Princess Chapter has been delayed a few days due to the awesomeness that is called Ponyville Ciderfest.

Good News? It was amazing, and Ingrid (Maud) is the coolest voice actor I've ever known. She was dancing with the crowd during the concert. It was soooo cooool! She also gave me a boulder.

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Report Sun Dial · 395 views · Story: Letters to a Princess ·

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Thank you for adding Old Mare Celestia to your favorites!

Thanks for the Favorite on Snuggler for Hire. Much appreciated.

Thanks for the fave! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the fav on Celestia's Rocket Adventures! I'd appreciate it if you'd leave a like and some feedback in the comments!

Thank you for the fave on Reclaimed!

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