• Member Since 23rd Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


If there was any way to cure laziness, I probably wouldn't know 'cause I'd be sleeping.


About Adoption · 11:23pm Oct 22nd, 2020

Me and My Daughters has been officially transferred to SugarCane, go follow them!

I'm excited to see where the story goes after this, so let's all support SugarCane in the meantime! They're also looking for an editor if anyone wants to help out with that.

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Report TheFaceofMercy · 232 views ·

What I like

Things that come out of my Brain

Comments ( 30 )
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Thanks for the favorite!

Hey! I'm guessing you've been giving me some space, but have you been working on MaMD?

Hey, thanks for the interest! Don't forget to rate and tell me what you thought.

Ayyy thanks for the fav!

Thank you for the fav!

Likes and comments are appreciated! :twilightblush: Please?:twilightblush:

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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