• Member Since 9th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 30th, 2020


Sunny Solaire

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Back From the Dead · 1:20pm Nov 26th, 2020

Hello, lovely people who may or may not be still on this website. Happy Thanksgiving.

I figured I'd give an update on here relating to my whereabouts. Y'all were really nice and loyal fans of mine when I was writing my dumb Batman story, and I am still very grateful for that, but then I just up and vanished one day, only to return once three years later before vanishing again for almost five years. So, here I am.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21

Thank you kindly. Good to be back.

Me: Mmmhhh? Who are you?
Checks stories written*

Excuse me, sir. We're you planning to make another arkham story? if not, I was thinking to make one from Arkham Knight which would be a sequel to your story. But what do you think?

Out of curiosity, do you have any plans for an Arkham Knight story?

Hey, just so you know, I adored your My Little Arkham story, quite possibly one of my favourite MLP crossover fics out there! :pinkiehappy:

I was just curious: since Arkham Knight has now come out, as it is technically a sequel to Arkham City (seeing how Origins was a prequel to the first two games), would you be interested in incorporating that into a sequel to My Little Arkham?

If you're not keen on the idea or too busy, I understand. But it would be pretty heartwarming and awesome to see Batman and Rainbow Dash (now Batmare) kicking ass together, facing new and old foes and the Mane Six helping Batman through his possible last adventure.

Please have a think about it, have a nice day. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 17 - 21 of 21
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