This story is a sequel to One Bolt, Many Questions
Nopony expected him to be the one to marry a Princess. Least of all him. Boltsinger is moving forward with his life, and is finding things to be going at more of a rapid pace than he had expected! New friends, new dilemmas, new questions, and new answers! He and all of his friends are going to face the scariest thing in the world.
Special thanks to HoodwinkedTales for the amazing cover art! Click the name to find her page!
Wow What a great Way to start off a Sequel Im excited to read more about boltsingers adventures with twilight
Another good chapter, out of curiosity do you have any intention of having Bolt meet Sunset at some point?
It's something I've considered. I've had ideas involving interactions with characters like Flash Sentry, as well. I feel like if I were to bring Sunset in, I would probably have to do a story devoted to an adventure in the EQG world. The idea is there, and it does bring some interesting interactions to mind (The Bolt we know meeting Sci-Twi, maybe?), but it's not quite at the forefront right now.
Nice call back to the first episode with the Hot Sauce.
If this doesn't end with RariJack I will be disappointed.
I have no plans to ship members of the Mane 6 with one another. Sorry.
That's fine I'll just sit here lamenting what might have been .
Now that was going too far, Rainbow Dash
Nice idea, wonder why they never thought making Zap Apple Cider in the TV Show.
Well, the jam is what made Sweet Apple Acres a hot spot, and founded Ponyville. They probably devote most of their efforts from that harvest to it, just to keep tradition going. I always figured that doing something else with them might make your hair stand on end with all the static.
Really liked this chapter, wonderful work.
Very heartwarming and nice to see.
Oh Pinkie I love your randomness and how you make me smile.

Yes, I do.
Kinda want to give the Flash Sentry of this story a good smack around for his treatment of Bolt.
I bet Bolt is never gonna live this down being forced into a Cheerleader outfit, it was funny and something to laugh about.
I caught up with both stories, and I have they are very good. Worth the read, I must say.
If you having trouble getting readers, look up some groups that you can put your story in, it will help.
I'll keep an eye on this, and come back when it updates. Good luck!~
-Captain Absolution
Thanks for the suggestion! I've put them in a few groups already, and they seem to be picking up speed, but if you have any group suggestions, I'm all ears!
The Author's Note joke....
Edit: Still nice Chapter
I thought the joke was cutely funny, in a sort of cringy way.
I really enjoyed this chapter, I was smiling through it all.
I’ve really loved the bonding Scoots has had with Bolt over all this.
A really sweet and lovely chapter.
Fun and exciting to imagine the Nursery room for their little baby.
Personally I've never been a fan of RarityxFancy. It's certainly an uncommon ship since most head-canons place him in a marriage with Fleur de Lis but I've never liked the Idea of pairing Rarity with someone who matches her fancy ideals.
My personal favourite Rarity ship is RarityxApplejack (it helps that some of the show's writers seem to ship these two as well) followed by RarityxFluttershy and RarityxRainbow. Despite how that looks I'm not against straight ships there just aren't alot of options when it comes to Rarity. The best one is probably RarityxSpike and that one only works if the writer is able to find a way around the inherent 'ick factor' that ship has.
I can see where you're coming from, but I never felt like having members of the Mane 6 becoming romantically involved with one another was a good idea. Not to say they can't be homo. I just feel like they are exactly where they need to be with each other. Best friends. It would be weird for them to put one on a pedestal above the others in that way.
Rarity and Spike, I just don't see happening. Not only is he too young, but Rarity sees him as a kind of littke brother, which is ridiculously hard to get past in the sense of romance.
However little, I have seen that Fancy Pants has had a history of flirtation with Rarity. (Particularly when Fleur isn't around.) Plus, it lets her not-so-fancy side get into him at the same time. I'm still not sure if I'll have these two tie the knot, though. Romance with Rarity is more complicated than it seems. I'm largely working with evidence the show and comics have given me as to what's likely.
I totally get where you're coming from. Honestly when it comes to romance I definitely support staying within the spirit of the show in that we should take into account that it is a kids show and that we should be realistic (officially recognized same sex pairs will probably never happen even though the show staff has gone as close to confirming LyraxBonBon as possible without actually saying it). But like I said when it comes to Rarity there aren't many options and the ones we do have I don't particularly like (though one story made a surprisingly good case for RarityxZephyr).
I understand your feeling towards Main 6 ships but I've always felt RarityxApplejack worked extremely well for the same reason RainbowxFluttershy make for a great pair and that is the shared history. Based on what we've seen in the show it makes sense that Rarity and Applejack have probably lived in Ponyville all their lives so they most likely have known each other since they were fillies though they most likely weren't very close friends prior to meeting Twilight. So it's fun to think that these two understand each other better than others even if they haven't always gotten along. This generally translates to the idea that these two are very close friends (and the show does often support this idea as seen in the episode "Applejack's "Day" Off") so I figure the idea of these two entering a relationship isn't that big a leap and that if the show ever did make a fan-ship canon it would probably be this one.
I can see that. But Rarity has only ever shown interest in stallions, and Applejack hasn't shown any inclination towards romance at all. Her and Fluttershy are sort of enigmas on that front, but they also stand really well on their own as characters, just like the rest of them. So, leaving them un-shipped still kinda works. Besides, I can't give them all romances at once. That would be too convenient, and too convoluted to put in one story.
The shared history bit definitely makes sense, though. And if Rainbow didn't have what she has, it may be possible. Her preferences seem a lot more loose when it comes to a partner's gender, after all.
Yeah I agree with the fact that Rarity mostly shows interest in stallions though I've always been a fan of the idea that Mares outnumber Stallions by a significant amount leading ponies to not be super picky in regards to gender.
Plus like I said you occasionally have an episode like "Applejack's "Day" Off" with exchanges that really make you wonder if the writers really want this couple to be a thing.
And I swear Equestria Girls is even worse about it. The writers claim they get paired up alot because of good chemistry but I think they just got a lot of RariJack shippers on staff lol.
Geeze, now this is just getting darker.
Would you say it was dark as... midnight?
I get the joke and yes I agree.
Nice to see Capper again.
And he's super fun to write for!
Something about charisma just makes the characters that have it write really smooth.
“I wrote this because I had to.
I wrote this because the characters wanted me to.
I wrote this chapter... because it just felt right.”
And I am glad you did, it was very heartwarming and lovely to read, loved the Verbal Smack Down That Spoiled Rich got from Bolt; it was a nice bonus.
I love this fanfic because of how much goes into Boltsinger and his changes.
I also love how he is selfless, which makes me stop wanting games and help others instead of staying at home.
This is creativity at its core and hope you’ll continue this line of fanfic’s.
I've already got ideas for a spin-off story and season 3.
And so it begins.
did you miss a "sorry" when the doc was talkin?
I did indeed. Thanks for that.
Well, that was a whirlwind of emotions and events.
Was a nice story, I'll be waiting for the next one!
Loved this his story, the whole thing: makes me ecstatic in awaiting the sequel.
Yeah, he seemed to be talking like Rarity there, huh?
There's a reason for that.
awwww finish Story number 2. Nova is soooo cute. Good job. off to Book 3!!!! See u there lol
Absolutely! Except replace "stallion" with "woman" for me.
I gotta say, I identify with Rarity in this chapter. Love isn't easy for everyone, especially when most of your friends are already married.
Rarity, you gonna get tubby.