• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Hades Shadow 92

Writer of Fallout Equestria stuff, and occassionally other stuff. Just a friendly Zony, who loves a good story.

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Hey guys, new chapters are still coming. · 3:35am Oct 5th, 2023

Hey everyone

So next week I hope to get one more chapter out before I go on vacation. I will be going away to visit my girlfriend. If I don't finish before the trip, I will shortly after I arrive. I still hope to finish Trails before the end of the year. I'm getting there right? 😅

Report Hades Shadow 92 · 200 views · Story: A Trail Leading Home ·
Comments ( 10 )
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I hope you enjoyed the story! :pinkiehappy:

Hey there!
Thanks for checking out my story.
I hope you enjoy it :twilightsmile:

hopefully what I've written will provide you with some inspiration.

No problem. I always look forward to new FoE stories. I just wish I could write a better one

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