• Member Since 20th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen January 28th


Writer, vocalist. Originally had a little story to tell. Over a hundred chapters later, still going strong.


This story is a sequel to One Bolt, Moving Forward

Boltsinger has settled into a nice little groove in life. Twilight's school is running excellently, and Nova is the best little colt a dad could ask for as long as he's kept happy. It's made him think back on what his life was like before this kind of happiness, but the vast majority of the things he's done, the ponies he's helped... it's a bit of a mess. He opts to expand his horizons whenever he can, in the hopes he can sort things out, but somepony else has taken initiative... Somepony important... Somepony no one ever saw coming!

(The image of Boltsinger in the cover art is a template trace done by me. I did not create the base. Those were found almost entirely on DeviantArt.)

Chapters (45)

This story is a sequel to One Bolt, Moving Forward

Finally, Twilight's school is about to open! Boltsinger was doing everything he could to make the process easier, taking care of the baby, making sure the everypony was ready to go, it was all going smoothly. Then he found a book. A glowing, vibrating book. Curious, he opened it up to find a series of exchanges between Twilight and someone named "Sunset". And then, his wings decided to do their thing. He took off, flying straight into an odd mirror. When he woke up, he found himself... elsewhere... Strange creatures, strange machines, strange Bolt! What will he find in this new place? Who will he meet? And, most importantly, why can't he go back?!

(As always, cover art will change when I can get something fitting.)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to One Bolt, Many Questions

Nopony expected him to be the one to marry a Princess. Least of all him. Boltsinger is moving forward with his life, and is finding things to be going at more of a rapid pace than he had expected! New friends, new dilemmas, new questions, and new answers! He and all of his friends are going to face the scariest thing in the world.

Special thanks to HoodwinkedTales for the amazing cover art! Click the name to find her page!

Chapters (48)

His name is Boltsinger. He always saw himself as a relatively normal pony. Save for one strange fact. Ever since he got his Cutie Mark, his wings have been taking him places without his say-so. Everywhere he goes, somepony needs his help, and he's just the stallion for the job. Something was off about his next destination though. Crashing into a wall at the castle in Canterlot apparently gets the attention of important ponies, and that leads to some... interesting questions.

Special thanks to Hoodwinked McShelster for the amazing cover art! Click the name to find her page!

Chapters (57)