• Member Since 20th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen January 28th


Writer, vocalist. Originally had a little story to tell. Over a hundred chapters later, still going strong.

More Blog Posts54

  • 5 weeks
    Another Year, Another Void

    It's... been busy. If not in the brain or the house, then the body. New cats have helped the brain some, but the body needs more direct intervention. As such, I have surgery scheduled. I think I'll work on filling the chapter void after that, if that's okay.

    On that note, a belated happy new year to everyone!

    1 comments · 44 views
  • 51 weeks
    A Small Update

    So, I think I owe you guys an update now that we're two months into the year. Lots has been going on and you deserve to be made aware.

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  • 58 weeks
    New Years Resolution

    I know it's a day late, but happy new year, everyone!

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  • 101 weeks
    Just an update.

    So, motivation is one factor barring chapter progress, yes. But more than that right now is sheer, unending, excrutiating pain.

    I have sciatica.

    So I'm probably gonna focus on getting through that for a while. Hopefully it doesn;t take too long and I'll have new energy with which to write!

    2 comments · 179 views
  • 117 weeks
    Motivation and Chapter Progress

    So, I've been working on this chapter I'm currently on, the one I promised would have more apple shenanigans, off and on all year. I know what I want to do with it, but with how this year has gone and how my mind has been, it's been an unintentional slog. I just haven't been as motivated as I'd like to be to finish it.

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A Small Update · 8:25am Feb 18th, 2024

So, I think I owe you guys an update now that we're two months into the year. Lots has been going on and you deserve to be made aware.

My brain is in a weird place right now. I'm figuring things out. On the advice of friends, I've decided that the chapter that kept me from posting for an ENTIRE YEAR is either going to be delayed and scrapped entirely thanks to what it was doing to me on a mental and emotional level. I'll figure out some other way to do what I wanted to with that one.

Speaking of writing and posting, I'm still faced with a rather enormous case of writer's block. So with that in mind, I've decided that a change of perspective is in order. Originally when I started this project, I told myself i shouldn't write anything else at the same time so I could keep my focus on this one and make sure it was going to get done.

Well, it's not getting done, so...

Perhaps writing something not pony will help me revitalize my horse writing once I come back to it? For now, I'm going to put my focus on another project of mine that I will, eventually, post to Ao3. Why there? Because it's not really something I can post here on FIMfiction. Not that this site isn't great. It's just got that whole "post ponies here and nothing else" rule to it, and I need to write something else entirely.

Of course, I fully intend to keep you all posted. If you're into Digimon, there will eventually be a story there called "Empire of Rust". That's gonna be my work. It's my first big attempt at world building, plus it's got a cast made up entirely of original characters. Even if the Digimon are existing ones I'm using for the story, their arcs and personalities are their own. But I digress.

I'm never going to give up on finishing Bolt's story, and definitely not giving up the stuff that comes after that. So please, look forward to it. And check out my Digimon story when I can finally start posting! I'll make sure to send a link here!

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