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60 weeksQuality is indeterminate—on the topic of fearing you aren't good enough0 comments · 138 views
In his book Game Architecture and Design, Andrew Rollings attributes this quote to Sid Meier: "A game is a series of interesting choices." In the same paragraph, Rollings then elaborates with: "To be worthwhile, gameplay choices must be non-trivial. Each strategy that the player considers using must have an upside and a downside. ... If there’s only a downside, no one will ever use that strategy so why bother including it in the game?"
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Love And What Came After follows 28 users
"There are two hundred and five bones in my body and I’ve got every single one of them to pick with you.”
I appreciate the follow!
Thanks for following me, mate!
Where is your Rainbow dash fic :c
Hey, don't worry about what the "public" thinks, cause guess what?! All good writers suck. All of us. We are all pretending. Nothing ever sounds like it does in our head and someone is always going to have a problem with us. It suuuuuuuucks. However, there will also be those that love your stuff. You may even write a few things you might like. Besides, the public doesn't exist except in your mind. So If you wish to write, then write. Like with any skill you'll get better. Hell, go back and look at some of my earlier stuff here. It's a triumphant pile of burning garbage. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. I gave you a follow to start you off.