• Member Since 11th Aug, 2023
  • offline last seen 37 minutes ago


"Like the personification of young adult homosexual angst."

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A user's guide to alafoel.

I'm alaoel (occasionally alafoel, as in: alaoel + foal) but you can call me Aioli, if you prefer. I'm a newcomer to MLP, but I'm enjoying my stay here so far! I've already met a lot of nice people, and read some great fics.
I mostly write (and enjoy reading) a little bit of poetry and some stories about angsty, emotional ponies - especially angsty, emotional ponies with apple cutie marks. I might take it a little too seriously. If you like dense prose and introspection, you might like my stories!
Feedback on any of my work is appreciated!

(characters, feelings, memories)

Recommended Poetry

Comments ( 3 )
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It's a great story. Web fiction in general never gets the attention or praise that it deserves and fanfiction is even more of an uphill battle - you pretty much end up writing for yourself and the handful of likeminded people who happen to walk by. You've managed to really use the opportunities and limitations of the site in some laser focus to present genuine feeling and emotion - you've done it better than a lot of stories that I've read. Better than books I've seen on store shelves and above all that somehow managed to do it in a lot less words. I could try and gush more about the way you managed to structure it but I don't think I have the right vocabulary - it's just incredibly well put together.
I'll only promise to stay awesome if you do too!

I’m very flattered you consider Frag/Ment/Ed exemplary irrational fiction. Stay awesome!

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