G5 Human in Equestria 111 members · 39 stories

A group for Generation 5 stories with humans in it. So, your story needs to be HIE related to be in this group. No G4 stories here, unless they are a crossover, like time travel or whatever.

Three folders: everyone rated, teen rated, and mature rated.

Comments ( 5 )
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Oooohhh, this group looks fun!:twilightsmile:
*checks for rules thread*
Huh. Well, it's still relatively new, so I'll wait.


Not even thousands of years from G4 to G5 can pony escape the grasp of human loving hands.

No, no they can not.

Someone needed to make it.

Not even thousands of years from G4 to G5 can pony escape the grasp of human loving hands.

Oh dear, well let's begin the madness then.

  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5