Neuralnet Connection Status: Passive node scanning in progress...
LOCAL.WIKI: Database Connection Established.
[Caution] Sync has not occurred in 234749 kilocycles.
LOCAL.WIKI.UNIT: Observing subjects...
LOCAL.WIKI.POTENTIALS: Mapping in progress...
LOCAL.WIKI.MAP: Mapping in progress...
He's been really quite amiable during my few interactions with him over time and is most certainly an asset to the team.
One picks up on stuff when they've observed the going ons, tweaked, volunteered, and rubbed elbows with supermoderators for four/five years...
Huh, so you got in Poultron's good graces. I had no idea you were such a reddit badass. Good to know, just in case.
You're welcome!
I don't want to miss out on wherever your muse takes you!
Cheers for the watch, fave, and feedback! much appreciated.
106938 Good, it's not just me