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Hey thanks for the fav (and I'm guessing a like) on Fallout Equestria: Anomaly, gives me all the warm fuzzies and really gets me motivated. Hope you are enjoying the story so far.
Well, I was really happy with the way it turned out, so I'm glad you got so much out of it!
2399267 I most certainly did. It was an interesting new take on the FOE world I've grown fond of, from a point of view of one more directlty involved with the old world. It was athmospheric, with a great balance of tension, purpose and retrospective. On top of that it had challenges to be overcome which were contrasted by a sense of hope that I valued in the original FOE. It was one of the better FOE stories I've read to date, and one I may read again. Thank you for sharing it ^^
Hey there! I hope you enjoy the story!
Hey there! You might see my journal, but I wanted to let you know that I'm taking orders for that Soarburn shirt. I can certainly bring it in July if that's the most convenient.