• Member Since 4th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 5th, 2019

Slate Sadpony

Male earth pony. Exceptionally weird.

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Back Again · 3:03pm May 15th, 2018

It's been far too long.

I'm trying to get my writing chops back and MLP Fanfiction has proved good practice in the past.

So I am re-writing my novella about Slate, my namesake OC. What was once a quick self-indulgent piece where my OC chases after his favorite waifu-horse will instead become a longer work dealing with those who interact with and come to value someone who falls in the category of "neurodiversity." Just as I often wish myself to be valued.

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Thank you so much for the follow! It's always cool to have an author I like take notice of me, and I'm particularly honoured considering you don't seem to follow that many people. So thank you! :twilightsmile:

Heres a comment,
*hands you a paper that says i like your stories*
Hope you like it....
What you wanted something better?
Well im broke oh and i stole that paper from someone else.


Woo! Princess party!

Word of notice: ponyofawesome92 is a friend of mine. I'm the reason she found "Un-Birthday for a Princess". So you're welcome for another follow. :raritywink:


I'm glad you liked it!

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