I Watch The Beauty Burn… · 6:09pm Dec 12th, 2022
…And I'm Still Fucking Fuming!
Okay, this blog post is for anyone who's added Friends With Benefits to thier favorites in recent weeks:
1.) No, the series is not in haitus.
2.) It very nearly was, even though I was slowly but surely adding onto it.
3.) Due to a series of technological mishaps (read: broken computers!) I've had trouble actually writing anything for any story I have currently ongoing.
You're welcome!
Thankie for the fav on One Sprout, Many Buds!
Here to make your day 'cuz why not
Why thank you! No need to worry. Awkward is middle name. (Well, not really, but I do know enough about awkward.)
Sorry if that was kinda awkward lol. Just wanted to mention it.
And yes, it's quite an enjoyable story.