• Member Since 28th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a quasi-professional internet technologies specialist who dabbles in fanfiction. I write, draw, and sometimes edit. When I'm not creating, I'm sleeping. Mornings are my mortal enemy.

L0rd0f7hund3r, in a nutshell

Age: 35
Gender: Male
Occupation: Freelance Computer Geek
Favorite pony: Fluttershy
Favorite princess: Luna
Favorite Crusader: Sweetie Belle & Apple Bloom
Favorite Background Pony: Dinky Doo/Derpy Hooves

Calling me a geek or gamer is actually something of a compliment to me. :twilightsmile: I'm a former milbrat, so those experiences have wormed their way into my mindset, although I've never enlisted into any branch of the military. I like guns, but I'm no NRA, Second Amendment nut. If anything, I defend the 2nd Amendment because I wanna own some katana eventually.


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And you don't know me, yet!


I Watch The Beauty Burn… · 6:09pm Dec 12th, 2022

…And I'm Still Fucking Fuming!

Okay, this blog post is for anyone who's added Friends With Benefits to thier favorites in recent weeks:

1.) No, the series is not in haitus.
2.) It very nearly was, even though I was slowly but surely adding onto it.
3.) Due to a series of technological mishaps (read: broken computers!) I've had trouble actually writing anything for any story I have currently ongoing.

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Report L0rd0f7hund3r · 518 views · Story: Friends With Benefits ·

Dragonflies and katydids but mostly chewed up little kids: that's what Tigers are made of.

Comments ( 167 )
  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167

Thankie for the fav on One Sprout, Many Buds! :pinkiehappy:

Why thank you! No need to worry. Awkward is middle name. (Well, not really, but I do know enough about awkward.)

Sorry if that was kinda awkward lol. Just wanted to mention it.
And yes, it's quite an enjoyable story. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 163 - 167 of 167
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