• Member Since 26th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 20th, 2023


My name is Violet, I'm a transgender fanfic writer and aspiring artist from Sindelfingen, Germany. I'm a mare of many facets, I hope you'll want to learn about them all!

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GalaCon panel · 1:40pm Jul 24th, 2015

Hi everyone!
If you happen to be going to Galacon, be sure to say hi! I'll most likely be cosplaying as Octavia, and will be happy to see you!

Also, I'm holding a workshop/panel on Sunday morning (that sadly overlaps with Tabitha and Michelle's panel) that should be a lot of fun. Would be a thrill to see you there as well!


Report ViTheDeer · 436 views · #Galacon
Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Hello, Vi. I wanted to know if you take commissions and if it would be possible to commission a sequel for Apple Bloom’s story. If it can’t be done, then it is okay. I wish you the best.

Merry Christmas. Hope we meet again soon.

Miss ViTheDeer. Did you get my notes?

Is there a way to contact you for commissions for when you aren’t available here on Fimfiction?

1724802 Aww thanks! :raritystarry: it's one of my favorites.

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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