• Member Since 21st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen May 15th, 2016


Comments ( 3 )
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heya, i think we know each other, if its the same as Okiku-chan on facebook, well its me, DJ José Demuth, wow so you are too an fanfictiioner, you need to read my stories and tell me what you think of it, i beg you * falls on his knees* i be you, no one gives me a real good comment, only pointing out some mistakes, but not really telling me what they like, and what not, i want your suggestion abut it, i recommend you to read, The Chronicles of Equestria first, its long and i wrote it with gusto, it plays in the future , five years after defeating Chrysalis. and well two years after the new season 3.

Thank you so very much ^-^ I really hope you enjoy my stories as much as my art. <3

Your art is amazing! I promise I will get around to reading your story soon!


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