• Member Since 20th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 12th, 2015


I poni. I poni all over the place.


Tabletop Roleplaying game · 3:22am Sep 22nd, 2014

Hey folks, for those of you looking for more content from me and might be interested in something outside the pony flavor, please go check out my kickstarter.


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Comments ( 17 )
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1111783 You spread your fuzz all over the place, don't you?:pinkiehappy:



thank you! glad you enjoy them!


thankyou! honestly, not really. This web community loathes OC ponies and I have a pretty packed schedule as it is. Writing an OC based fic about a pony I already write a tumblr about only to have it get bombarded into the negatives by OC haters just doesn't hold much appeal. I don't particularly care about the hate, its more the investment of time. I cant justify sinking that much effort into something bound for bad reception, the tumblr does poorly enough as it is. But I appreciate youre interest! if you want the next best thing, go check out http://talktostormy.tumblr.com/

I came here to lavish you with praises for a well written fic, without even realizing you were also behind one of my favorite tumblrs!

Seriously, you're amazingly talented, keep up the good work!

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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