• Member Since 17th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen July 17th


Well I love writing stuff. My OC: His name is Ryder Wheeler, Older brother to Scootaloo, (made him WAY before Scootaloo was revealed to have parents) Read on to see what he does with his life.


...I'm so proud of them... · 5:39am May 14th, 2016

I just watched Crusaders of the lost mark and... I'm so proud of the CMC.... They've fought for their cutie marks and even done things that made others realize the use of their cutie marks (Example: Troubleshoes)... If Ryder saw Scootaloo get her cutie mark (Which i now plan on writing soon after I plot something out) But for now... I'm so proud. Five seasons (most likely in Pony time a few years or something idk) and I just love everything there.

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Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted May 2nd, 2022

Would you be willing to take a request?

Thanks for watching me!:yay:

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