An Old MFAB Second Chapter Draft · 6:47am Jun 12th, 2020
You know, I never continued Magical Filly Apple B, and I suspect I never will, but I do have a fair amount of an old draft lying around for the second chapter.
I remember I really felt like I needed to go through and revise Twist's familiar's accent, as it was getting rather out of control. I was having trouble with Twist's lisp, a bit, too.
Diamond's minion... would probably have been controversial. I still rather like it.
HUGE GOD BLESS. God loves you, now and forever.
How's the cubic zirconia fic going?
I really need to catch up on my stuff...
Still thinging as usual, though one thing I haven't been doing much of is writing, unfortunately. My most recent chapter of Cubic Zirconia was published a year after the previous one, and it was mostly finished several months before I published it. Just winging it is worse off on that front, and Magical Filly Apple Bloom is the worst off of the lot.
It's mostly not even plotting but not sitting down to write, too. I have too many distractions, and I'm at a point where I probably need to do some rereading (though I recall I've got something like half of the next chapter of Just Winging It written). Cubic Zirconia is in one of these spots where it'd be easier to write the next chapter than the current one, since Diamond's finally actually in school again, and the school threads need wrapping up.
I have a feeling I need to start closing distractions on my main computer when not in use, or getting my spare one in shape and in a spot where I'll use it.
Ironically, one thing that changed should give me more time. I've been working from home for probably the last year or so (though next week, I'm going to have to go into the building for a week), Trouble is I was doing some of my writing in the transit time I no longer have. Not to mention I was consistently getting overtime for a while.
I suspect I mostly need to kick myself into gear a bit, stop watching so many Let's Play's on youtube and things like that, and probably reread through my stories...
Otherwise, not really as active as I used to be on the site, but that happens over time...
Ah! What a cute avatar!![:heart:](
No problem. It was already in my folder of oneshots, so I was mostly going through fixing stories that were in the wrong category...