
Viewing 1 - 20 of 325 results

Changes · 3:52pm May 14th, 2019

I'm going to slow down a little. I want to concentrate more on quality than quantity. On the upside, chapters will be bigger.

Report Bernard · 256 views · #learning

Hola! Como estas? · 9:32am Feb 3rd, 2021

Quieres aprender espanol conmigo?
(Do you want to learn Spanish with me?)

Sign up with the link below and add me as a friend! It's free! (Feel free to ask me anything here if you're unsure).

Hasta luego, amigos!

Report Zyrah · 214 views · #Spanish #learn

What I've Learned · 2:33am Jun 19th, 2015

Alright, everyone, the moment you've (hopefully) been waiting for is almost here. Lyric's one-shot for Just What I'm Dying For... is ninety-five percent done. What I mean by that is that I am now very happy with the core story, so now I would like to go back and clean it up where it needs. I've also had some wonderful people pre-read and offer their suggestions which I will see if I can incorporate into the story. (And don't worry, you'll get credit at the beginning of the chapter.)

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Learnt a Valuable Lesson. · 1:37pm Jul 20th, 2018

Dear Princess of the Fandom.

Today, I've learnt that. Giving up quicky is not a good thing to do, it only made people annoyed by it.
It is I who annoyed them by giving up quickly, thankfully. Somepony in the fandom made me realize that; giving up is not the only choice. Thus I should do better and try a lot more harder, despite the challenge that are on the way and continue forward.

Your humble subject. Epsilon_Eleven.

Report Epsilon_Eleven · 271 views · #Learning #Fight!

Financial Forecasting: A Deep Dive into Machine Learning Solutions · 7:18am Nov 21st, 2023

Financial forecasting stands at the core of strategic decision-making for businesses, and the integration of machine learning solutions has revolutionized this critical aspect. In this blog, we'll take a comprehensive look at the synergy between financial forecasting and machine learning, uncovering how this dynamic duo shapes the future of fiscal strategies.

Understanding the Landscape

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Ayo I made another group · 5:35am Mar 5th, 2022


In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 13 -- Newborn · 2:05pm May 18th, 2018

Guess what time it is! Well, okay, I guess it is five o’clock somewhere, but that’s not what I mean. Not only is it backstory time, but we get a truly fantastic entry in the Awesome Stuff That Twilight Never Uses Series!

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 23 -- Monster · 11:05am Jun 8th, 2018

Bella wakes up in the morning. The storm’s blown itself out. Three solid pages of Edward and Jacob attempting to poison each other with testosterone before Jacob finally leaves. Ugh.

Pain crackled down my spine and lodged in my stomach as I abruptly realized that this could be the last time I would see him.

CM + 1

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 10 -- Scent · 3:26pm May 12th, 2018

For some reason, Edward leaves before Jacob arrives. He says that, although he doesn’t feel any personal antagonism for Jacob, it’s easier for them. Whatever. As long as they’re not trying to out-macho each other, I’m good. Edward pops out and Jacob pops in. Jacob’s still shirtless, although we actually get an explanation this time: his clothes don’t change when he does, so keeping the number of clothing items down reduces the number of things he has to take off or replace when he gets wolfy.

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 25 -- Mirror · 10:52am Jun 12th, 2018

In spite of Victoria being decapitated, Edward refuses to take chances and quickly dismembers her body. Once he’s done with that, he goes to Seth and helps him do the same with Riley. They gather all the pieces and burn them. Can’t fault them for being thorough, at least.

The thick smoke curled up slowly, looking more solid than it should; it smelled like burning incense, and the scent was uncomfortable. It was heavy, too strong.

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IT'S DOOOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!!! · 3:39am Jun 20th, 2015

Yes, you read that right! Lyric's half of Just What I'm Dying For... is done and posted! Thank you to all who were so patient while waiting for this piece, and to all who have given it a chance. It really means a lot to me that you have.

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 2 -- Evasion · 3:03pm Apr 26th, 2018

Oh, dear. One sentence in, and we’re already adding to the Clinginess Meter.

I felt oddly buoyant as I walked from Spanish toward the cafeteria, and it wasn’t just because I was holding hands with the most perfect person on the planet, thought that was certainly part of it.

CM + 1

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 22 -- Fire and Ice · 11:13am Jun 6th, 2018

It’s the middle of the night, the storm has arrived, and Bella is freezing. Even with all her layers, she can’t stop her teeth from chattering. And she stutters almost every word a bazillion times:

“W-w-w-w-w-what t-t-t-t-ime is it?”

“I’m ok-k-k-k-k-k-kay.”

“J-J-J-J-Jake, you’ll f-f-f-freez-z-z-ze.”

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 26 -- Ethics · 10:46am Jun 14th, 2018

These characters have ethics?

A few hours or so after the fight, Bella and Alice are still keeping up the sleepover story. Bella’s anxious to see Jacob, even though she knows he’s unconscious.

Each minute, not knowing if Jacob was still breathing or not, had seemed like ten lifetimes.

CM + 1

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Car repair lessons · 9:38pm Apr 25th, 2017

Replacing the rear struts on the Camry. The big shop wants $770 for the pair.

The old man who installed a lift in his two-car garage does it for $290.

Replacing the lower ball joints on the CRV. The big shop wants $600 or so for the pair.

The old man who installed a lift in his two-car garage does it for $260.

Replacing the flex hose on the Camry. The chain muffler store wants $500 to replace the flex hose, y-joint, and catalytic converter.

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Report Rinnaul · 315 views · #money #car #lesson learned

New Story: Learning to be a Family · 10:31pm Jul 12th, 2016

Learning to be a Family is what I have been working on after I clawed my way out of the Steam Summer Sale. This was written as a collab with Twilight-the-Pony for our mutual friend TadStone.

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L̵̢̛̪͎̒ė̵̹̰̗̣̚ą̶̘̭̦̽͆́̓̔͜r̶͍̺̗͊͆͠n̸̘̝̻̄̈̀̉͒i̵̠̅͒́̈͛ṅ̶̤͉̱͓͚͠ǵ̸͉ ̴̼͓̘̼̍͐̾̚Ẃ̸̞͕̼̦͐͐̈͝͝ͅͅi̴̝͓͚̘͚̱͌̍͘t̸̺̥̺̪̞͐̍̓̉̀͝h̴̡̠̤̰͕̋̿̽ ̸͇͔̲̘̬̾ͅP̴͖͌͂̋͝͝i̵̭̇͆́͑͂͝b̴̨̭͉̬͑ͅb̴̼͖͚͂̾́͐y̵̡̼̬̏ͅ.̴̡̖̠̋̈̃.̵͎̥͎̈́̾̿́̓͂͜.̶̠̼̗̑̈̄ ̴̢̱̪̬̬̎̒̕ - Ạ̴͉̮̌d̴̜̱̟͎̱̓͋́u̴̜͉͆͝l̴͕̜̰͕̜̆̈́̊̈̈́͜ṯ̶͑͌ · 4:25pm Apr 1st, 2022

Due to me apparently not knowing how to insert pictures right on this site for blog posts, I'm just gonna have to write this incredibleness down. (Don't think that's a word... welp, it's one now)

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WTFIWWY-My Love is Like a Red Red Flag · 11:58pm January 21st

Lessons we learned on this episode:

-If you get away scott-free, don't go back to re-crime the place

-If the lock on your door is broken, get it fixed

-You can scam dudes out of money for false promises of sex(not really a lesson learned)

-Don't sexually harass anybody, especially when you're on a flight

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 12 -- Time · 1:40pm May 16th, 2018

Alice on a good day is amazing.

“By the way, I love my gift. You shouldn’t have.”

“Alice, I didn’t!”

“Oh, I know that. But you will.”

Bella, Edward, and Alice are walking to the car after school when Alice drops that the Cullens are having a graduation party for her. Bella’s surprised it’s so close to graduation already.

In theory, I was anxious, even eager to trade mortality for immortality. After all, it was the key to staying with Edward forever.

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In Which I Tolerate Eclipse: Chapter 8 -- Temper · 2:56pm May 8th, 2018

Bella and Jacob go for a walk on the beach. As they talk, it comes out that Quil just imprinted. Specifically, on Emily’s niece, Claire. Who’s two. Naturally, Bella’s horrified and a bit squicked out, but Jacob doesn’t think there’s anything creepy about it.

“But she’s a baby,” I protested.

He looked at me with dark amusement. “Quil’s not getting any older,” he reminded me, a bit of acid in his tone. “He’ll just have to be patient for a few decades.”

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 325 results