Mares are cute. They are also fluffy. I want to pet the pretty mares and give them snuggles.
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This was beautifully written. Really, nice job.
Thank you!
This story hurt, but in a good way.
I kind of stumbled into this story by chance, in much the same way Flutters and the protag bumped into one another, so I wasn't expecting much coming into it, but after a few paragraphs I found myself pulled into this deceptively innocuous tale. You've done a fantastic job.
This doesn't happen often, but - I love this story. You did a fantastic job laying down those emotions and creating such a sympathetic and empathetic response for any people out there that have been in a relationship such as this, myself being one of them. So, thank you kindly for bringing me back to a time that was the happiest of my life while bringing me a pleasant melancholy.
Peace and love! Oh, and I loved this story that much that I wanted to do something -
Of course, if you're not comfortable with having it up, I completely understand!
Goddamnit, my feels hurt! I want a happy ending! Thereโs too much sad.
Not at all! Glad you liked the story, and thank you for the reading!
B_25's review brought me to this delicious little story.