• Member Since 10th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


My thousand year reign of blood and terror shall begin!... As soon as I get off of this computer.

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This blog post will go unread by mortal eyes. · 3:45am Jul 10th, 2015

Ah~. What a splendid evening, if I do say so myself. And alone! Even better. My first day on this website and I get to spend it simply thinking. I shall absorb any and all knowledge I can so that my thousand year reign of blood and terror will become all the more feasible. It is a good thing I go unfollowed, for that means less prying eyes upon my plans and more time for me to bring them to fruition. The path to my future has never seemed so clear.

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Report SirReal · 615 views · #The End Begins Now

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I edit, too

Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

I need a bigger version of your profile pic. It gave me a giggle.

Not automated
I painstakingly press every single key of my "thank you" notes ^^

Still, I do appreciate it. With any luck, I'll continue to entertain you!

I knew you had this response automated! EXPOSED!

Also, thanks for your content; you're a wonderful writer.

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

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