• Member Since 9th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2022

Striving Scholar

Hello everyone, I enjoy reading fanfiction, games, and writing among other hobbies. I also enjoy meeting new people and trying to write fanfiction as well.

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Happy Nightmare Night · 3:15am Nov 1st, 2017

Happy Halloween/ Nightmare night everypony :pinkiehappy: 🎃

I hope you had a fun and safe day today and updates and stuff will be coming soon :twilightsmile:

Report Striving Scholar · 279 views ·
Comments ( 64 )
  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

2420765 Awesome, I look forward to it! :pinkiesmile:

2412435 You are most welcome. sorry for the delay, I have been busy and did not see a notification about your comment. I will take a look at the story again as soon as I can and let you know about my thoughts on it, ok? talk soon

Hey, thanks for following me! I'd love to hear your thoughts on Flight or my other stories. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for the fave!

  • Viewing 60 - 64 of 64
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