• Member Since 21st Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 20th, 2017


Professional Fangirl

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My Long Bio · 4:55pm Mar 24th, 2015

Hey there! I'm Nicole, and I'm not going to say my age, because I don't like it. There aren't very many things I don't like. Mainly food, and some people. I'm pretty loud and outgoing, and I'm a total fangirl.

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Comments ( 36 )
  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36

I'm so sorry!!!!!!!
I could ramble excuses but ma just say t straight:
I forgot about this site
I know don't kill me I've had a lt going on and with a new (serious) relationship, I haven't had mxh time to read or write on here.
Also I haven't forgotten how to grmar or spell it's just these keys are tiny so apologies for that

I'm so sorry!!!!!!!
I could ramble excuses but ma just say t straight:
I forgot about this site
I know don't kill me I've had a lt going on and with a new (serious) relationship, I haven't had mxh time to read or write on here.
Also I haven't forgotten how to grmar or spell it's just these keys are tiny so apologies for that

I'm so sorry!!!!!!!
I could ramble excuses but ma just say t straight:
I forgot about this site
I know don't kill me I've had a lt going on and with a new (serious) relationship, I haven't had mxh time to read or write on here.
Also I haven't forgotten how to grmar or spell it's just these keys are tiny so apologies for that

  • Viewing 32 - 36 of 36
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