• Member Since 12th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen August 5th

Crystalis McCloud


A new step. A new direction. · 9:21pm Feb 28th, 2017

Wow, it's been a long time, hasn't it? Almost a year since the last time I posted a story chapter. I feel awful about that. Life has been kicking my ass between work and raising my daughter. I'm sure some of you still want to see the next chapters of stories like Life Fiber Harmonize and Equestria's Strife Online, right? Maybe some of you are even hoping for me to pick Dragoon Wars back up? Well, I have an important status update for all of you regarding that. I'm headed in a new direction.

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Comments ( 97 )
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Thanks for following!

Any chance you'll return to writing ESO? I've really enjoyed it so far!

2194547 Unfortunately not right now. I'm very heavily invested in my current project, Life Fiber Harmonize, and if I do get back to Dragoon Wars, I'll have to redo many of its earlier chapters to suit my improved writing.

hi, just wondering if there is a plan for continuing Dragoon Wars; Seven Lords Rising as i very much like where it got up to a would like to read more of it

I will have words with you and that red pen of yours later, missy! :ajsmug:

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