• Member Since 11th Apr, 2012
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Luminous Lead

Lifeless light in darkness hides the middle man who takes no sides. A lost soul with no personal creed am I, lethargic Luminous Lead.


Shelving my reading glasses · 2:59am Feb 26th, 2013

I'm going to be taking a leave of absence from Fimfiction and ponies in general. Reading is one of my favourite pass-times and I love the worlds that can be shaped with words, but school has been piling up and running me ragged. Something has to give, and it seems this is it.

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27

Thank you so much for the favorite and comment on The Processing Facility. There will be more like it coming soon

Hey man! I just thought I'd let you know about this thing I've started over on the Everyday Life With Guardsmares Group. Have a day that is above average in goodness!

IiiiiiiiI'm sure to have new chapters!

I'll hazard a guess of 4-6 years.

  • Viewing 23 - 27 of 27
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