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Story prologue/idea <Updated> · 7:30pm Nov 4th, 2019

UPDATED: 04/11/19 <edit notes: The prologue has had its first re-write pass. Not much change, just some alterations and additions based on the current feedback.>
UPDATED: 10/11/2019 <edit notes: With the aid of @legalpothead, I've made some major edits to the intro. I hope it's better now.

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Of Stardust by David D. Sanchez Ortiz · 9:37pm Feb 18th, 2020

David D. Sanchez Ortiz                           about 3,560 words

In Days Past

New York City, Hell’s Kitchen

 I once wondered what awaited us beyond the celestial vault, what the stars were and what they held. Now I can only think of how I regret every day of ever finding out…. 

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Report Disavowed ASH · 189 views · #original

What I've been up too · 9:07pm Apr 9th, 2022

It's been awhile since I finished my last fanfic and in the meantime I've been working on my own original novel. I wrote 100k words in 6 months or 200+ pages! I've finished the first Draft in February and have been working on the second draft since mid march. Looking forward to when it's finally finished and I can publish it. My current plan is to publish on amazon, but it would be nice to have a literary agent.

Still looking into that, but I want to have the best draft possible.

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Report Foxgear · 177 views · #Original

Announcement: One Original Web-Serial coming right up · 7:14pm Mar 16th, 2020

So as I announced after I wrapped up Equestria's Changeling Princesses and the Kinsbane, I'm writing more original stories.

Which leads this announcement, I'm writing an original web serial called: A Fractured Song which I'm publishing on a reddit thread called Redditserials. It's a fantasy isekai with the following premise.

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Report vren55 · 303 views · #original fic

Looking for new recruits! · 1:59am Oct 17th, 2020

Hello guys!

Idol's job is to rebuild the Crystal Empire's Guard Force, meaning he needs willing and able bodied ponies to volunteer!

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Need some help on thinking of 4 more evolution forms · 9:53pm Sep 17th, 2021

To my readers and people who follow me, I'm sorry for not uploading for a long time but Writer's Blocks, a lazy slacker of a fan who cheap out in typing & the obsessive pain of family members who refuse to learn or bother to try. I haven't been typing some new chapters lately but I have manage to balance out in type 2 chapters for 2 separate stories and a future chapter for one story (Got in the zone couldn't stop typing it.) So anyway I need some Evolution Forms for Abel/Izanagi to him to know

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Immaculate · 5:13am June 2nd

Yo so, I've been writing for considerably longer than I've been on this site or into ponies. If anypony would like to check out my original works, i would greatly appreciate it; I just started posting my main original story here: . Since its not horse words it doesn't tend to get nearly as much traction but I think its a very good story personally. I'd greatly appreciate if anypony would check it out.

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OC Information · 12:33am Oct 30th, 2016

Ive added several original characters in my stories, so here are descriptions for them in case you don't want to read my stories in order or need a quick recap before reading the next story. I will add more characters to this later on via edits. The characters are in chronological order of when they're introduced.

Legend: These are for quickly describing certain attributes of a character. They're pretty obvious.

Occupation: A job held by this character.

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Benefits of sovaldi coupon from rxcoupons · 4:52am Jul 11th, 2016

A number of online drug stores and pharmacies are available these days which would make it very easy for the clients to carry out their needs. It is quite comfortable to receive services these days. It is quite interesting to know the benefits that some entities like rxcoupons would offer you by rendering you all kinds of coupons for your health related needs. Considering that, the need for Original rxcoupons is

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Alright Folks · 6:21pm Apr 13th, 2018

If I write an original book, with my own thoughts and direction, would you all like to read it when it comes out? I would like some feedback to it, because I’ll be publishing it when it’s finished in a year or so.

What would you say about that?

Report Dawn Darkness · 275 views · #Original #Book.

Of Stardust · 1:35pm Jun 8th, 2019

New York City, Hell’s Kitchen

I once wondered what awaited us beyond the celestial vault, what the stars were and what they held. Now I can only think of how I regret every day of ever finding out….

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New fic coming for Original Pairings Contest · 2:23pm May 8th, 2022

Sooo, I'm almost done with a really short fic (which was almost a much, much longer fic) for the Original Pairings contest.

And I quite love it a lot.

It should be out soon, I just have to add a little bit and finish my current cover, come to a decision about the title and all that. So be looking out for that hopefully happening soon, I really hope people enjoy it.

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"I'm the Villain?!" Chapter update. · 2:58am Jun 12th, 2018

The following is the original chapter, see the actual story for the updated version. It has less grammar and spelling errors. Not to mention less introspection and more dialogue.


Canterlot Castle, Equestria


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Character Concept Art for Original Novel · 10:07pm Nov 30th, 2017

While I'm waiting for my second manuscript submission to go through, I thought I'd share some of the art I've had commissioned of the main character Katrina so far.

The first one is the original design done by my close friend Ambris. Due to elements of Katrina's backstory and heritage, I asked for a Conquistador theme for the overall appearance of the armor.

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Report Quillery · 513 views · #original novel

On the topic of Original Fiction · 11:43pm Jan 24th, 2018

Should I try writing it? The last time I tried writing entirely original fiction was before I even started writing fanfics. I originally started publishing fics here for practice when the time came around for trying again.

Now, with how well Pony-Me has been doing, I've been feeling pretty confident that I could type out a decent original fic based on the same premise.

Should I try again after failing years ago?


Discord! · 12:15am Dec 27th, 2017

Hey, just fyi to all y'all readers, I've gone and created a Discord Server for all my story ideas and stories.

Go check it out, tell your friends, fangirl about. The norm!


Remaking my first story · 4:29pm Mar 11th, 2016

Hey Guys, just wanted to let you all to know that I will be rewriting my first story since I did not like how it was created so im rewriting it, so hopefully when it is written you guys will check it out, anyway see you all in the next update.


She's a real one · 5:37am Aug 23rd, 2022

Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren was quick to recognise the Bromley Contingent's aesthetic potential. These were arrogant youths, stylish, brash and sexually extrovert. Siouxsie herself would attend Pistols shows in a cut-out bra exposing her tits, staged her own "Sex Olympics" at a debauched house party and took gay friend "Berlin" to the pub on a leash. She was kicked out for requesting "a bowl of water for my dog". More contentious still, at a time when NF membership was on the increase, the

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Report Sunshine Bat · 113 views · #how original

Oh boy, time for character design in a way that I haven't touched in years! · 11:11pm Jun 7th, 2018

More specifically, I'm creating character sheets to serve as reference in the Original Fiction take on Pony-Me, which I've decided to title "My Own Reality".

So far, I'm planning on going with the route of adapting existing characters and removing any relation to MLP that they've had.

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The next chapter for Solo Level · 7:29pm Jan 16th, 2020

I am having a dilemma with the next chapter for Solo Level. It starts after a month Solo got grounded. Should Solo and his family go vacation at the beach or go to a Diamond Dog Mine? Which would be better? A reunion at the sea or collecting riches?

Viewing 1 - 20 of 819 results