• Member Since 5th Dec, 2023
  • offline last seen 20 minutes ago

Daelyx Len Auphydas

About Me

Hiya! I'm Daelyx Len Auphydas, but you can just call me Len. I am a transhumanist, sibling fanatic, purity zealot, and lover of cute things. My favorite thing to read is probably Scootaloo-Rainbow Dash fanfictions, but I really just adore sibling pairs in general; Celestia and Luna, Twilight and Spike, Applejack and Applebloom... The works.

As far as I am concerned its a Cute. Wholesome. Show. About. PONIES. And I will not stand for any uncute, unwholesomeness in my ponies. Unless the uncuteness or unwholesomeness is just part of making the cute and wholesome parts even more cute and wholesome, like, with deliberate contrast. I'm cool with that.

I'm also a cute eunuch and cleansed of sin so ya know thats pretty nifty too.

Problems exist to be solved, not used as a shield. Flaws are flaws, not justifications. Acknowledging and transcending weakness is how you become a better person, no matter why something is the way it is doesnt automatically make it ok. Nature is mutable and transient, and nothing should be accepted just because its the way it is. Strive against destiny.

I also write original works! You can find my main one here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/86741/immaculate , I'd dearly appreciate anypony who checks it out. Its about two brothers growing up in an extremely isolated, insular village, where their unique abilities threaten the status quo and inspire fear in those around them.

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Blog Posts

  • 7 weeks

    Yo so, I've been writing for considerably longer than I've been on this site or into ponies. If anypony would like to check out my original works, i would greatly appreciate it; I just started posting my main original story here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/86741/immaculate . Since its not horse words it doesn't tend to get nearly as much traction but I think its a very good story personally. I'd greatly appreciate if anypony would check it out.

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  • 12 weeks
    Posting schedule

    So, I presently have two stories I'm working on: Princess Spike, which I post whenever I finish a chapter, and Empire of Mercy, a much longer-form story that will take a while to go anywhere. Princess Spike is of course already up, while Empire of Mercy will go up tomorrow morning.

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  • 14 weeks
    Story awaaay

    And theres my first completed story! Both of my current ones are supposed to be fairly short, since I'm trying to just get a feel for how to write the characters. Make sure to let me know how I do regarding staying in character and being true to them! That was my biggest concern writing fanfiction.

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    7 comments · 82 views

Immaculate · 5:13am June 2nd

Yo so, I've been writing for considerably longer than I've been on this site or into ponies. If anypony would like to check out my original works, i would greatly appreciate it; I just started posting my main original story here: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/86741/immaculate . Since its not horse words it doesn't tend to get nearly as much traction but I think its a very good story personally. I'd greatly appreciate if anypony would check it out.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17

Thanks for adding my story to your library!:twilightsmile:

Well I saw siblings mentioned in the short description so that's enough to net my attention. I'll see when I can get around to having it vetted.

Thank you for adding Eye of the Storm to your Vetting List. I hope you find it enjoyable <3

of course. i just asked, as i did once a fic with scoots, where she is sheltered by a human family and the child of it starts to se her as sivling

  • Viewing 13 - 17 of 17
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