• Member Since 15th Nov, 2023
  • offline last seen Saturday


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Thanks for the favorite on my contest entry fic! It means a bunch!

Thank you and I hope that you get to read my other stories as well.

Glad that I'm done with my exams! I can finally try to work on my stories (that unfortunately failed twice...), but I should also find someone who can check on my story since it might fail again and that's what the moderator suggested too so yeah.

Oh! You wrote that story Online bullying is not cool! I kinda liked that one.

Hey there, how are you?

No problem Outcast :pinkiesmile: ! I've been wanting to find more changeling stories (especially ones that focus on Pharynx and Thorax! My favorites bookshelf is just filled with Thorax and Pharynx stories :rainbowkiss:) and your stories show exactly just that.

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