• Member Since 20th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Hello, I'm a writer, I hope to be a published author one day. My main ventures in writing so far is Daring Do and my FoE story. Enjoy! Check out other stuff at http://almanacpony.deviantart.com/

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Where Am I? · 10:03pm Mar 5th, 2021

Where am I?

I said I'd take a year out to write my book before coming back to continue and complete Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia. So, one year later, what be the current status?

The status is.... 50%. Maybe a little over.

I assumed it'd only take me a year, but there was a few factors I didn't take into account.

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Comments ( 39 )
  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39

Thank you for the favorite!

Thanks for the watch man! :)

2161871 I consider the first song on the list, Wrong Side of Heaven by Five Finger Death Punch to be Tome's theme song. The lyrics match at least. ^^

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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