Pre FOE Story: Premonition · 4:58am Jul 10th, 2016
Fallout Equestria Premontions revolves on prewar Equestria. A stallion profesized the end of the world and he is doing all he can do to stop it with the help of friends he makes on the way.
Chapter 3 has been posted and I feel that it's time to start advertising. I'm not good at putting my story out but to those who do read it I hope you guys enjoy.
Thanks for the follow! I hope my creations are entertaining for you.
Thank you for the follow.
I'm very glad that I could help.
I learned this today so thank you very much for the tip!
Do me a favor? If you want to "talk" to someone, the only way to be sure that they get the message is by hitting the "Reply" button on the message that you want to comment on. It is the little box in the top-right of each comment. It looks like two little arrows: ">>" If you hit that, it sends a notification to the person who made the original comment, letting them know you are trying to have a conversation with them. I'm glad that I stopped back, or I would not have gotten your message!