Jokers Wild has a new form · 6:59pm Feb 8th, 2021
So its finally starting to look like Joker's Wild is done in its first draft form. Its been a while. Maybe 3 or 4 years, but I've created a whole new original setting for the characters of Joker's Wild to become their own thing. Its currently at about 151k words, and I only have about 1 chapter left and an epilogue for this first book. I don't know if anybody still reads these, but I am interested in getting some beta readers. It won't have ponies, so it won't ever be posted here, but I figure
Thanks for adding my story! I hope you like what you see.
2380733 Thank you. Drew it myself.
I like your profile picture.
2318176 Sorry for the late response. I was looking around on the Editors-R-Us page for comedy editors, and you seemed both capable, not crazy, and sociable enough to keep in mind. I've got some ideas I have been stirring in my mind for grander comedy projects, but in this time I've gotten really busy as I just moved half way around the world to Hong Kong, and I don't think I will be making any progress on those items any time soon so for the most part I was just following you to keep an eye on you.
So yeah... I'm watching you...
Thanks for the Follow! May I ask why?