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A brand new story! · 4:58pm Oct 23rd, 2017
Hey everyone! I have proud news to announce that me and my fiance Celtic have created a new story, a fantasy this time that we have entirely created ourselves of legend and tale for we have created the world the characters inhabit with it's very own lore that is ever expanding. We started the story a little earlier this month with only a couple of chapters so far but we do assure you that it will be update every other week, yes it may not be on Fimfiction but we do hope that you guys decide to
Tiberia Silverfang · 391 views
Thank you for favouriting "Fallout: Equestria Girls"
2405235 *hugs you back with a soft smile*
2396306 It's all good and be sure to check out my new story called 'Awakening of a new legend'. There's no chapters yet, but I'm trying to put in one or two at least.