• Member Since 24th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 21st, 2017

Ryuga Kishatu


OC Profile · 5:42pm Aug 9th, 2016

Name: Drayce Monarch

Alias: Dragon Emperor

Apperance: Drayce is a unicorn along with dragon wing's. He wears a red hooded cap as well as a white eye patch on the left side of his eye, while his right eye is pure gold. Whenever Drayce removed his eye patch, his iris turns red along with black sclera as well as red veins across his eye. His cutie mark is three dragon's performing a circle pattern. Drayce even has a golden dragon gauntlet on his left hoof.

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2381963 Sure count me in and im sorry that I didn't reply I was very busy with school work:ajsleepy:

might you be interested in working together on stories and mlp videos on youtube?

Comment posted by Ryuga Kishatu deleted Sep 24th, 2016

Thanks for the follow may i ask why?

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